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Max Rosenfeld

Hello delegates! My name is Max and I am a Senior studying Political Science with a Concentration in International Relations and a Minor in Economics. I was born in Newton, Massachusetts, however I grew up and currently live near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I am a member of the Clark Model UN team and have been a member since freshman year. Last year, I took a leave of absence since I was studying abroad in London. Outside of Model UN, I enjoy running cross country for Clark, reading about the political and economic state of the world, and exploring Worcester. I was first introduced to Model UN in high school, so I am excited to see your proposed solutions and am happy to help with any questions.  



DISEC 1985: Fortieth Session on Bilateral Nuclear-Arms 

Welcome to the fortieth session of the United Nations Disarmament and International Security Committee. (DISEC). The scope of the First Committee of the U.N. General Assembly concerns maintaining international peace and security while advocating for arms reduction and making recommendations to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). This body is crucial for establishing international norms on cooperation amongst the 157 members represented.  


In 1985, the period of Soviet-U.S. détente, or “easing of tensions” had ended. A renewed sense of retaliation and competition began again as the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the U.S. and its allies boycotted the 1980 Moscow Summer Olympics, eventually leading to a Soviet boycott of the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympics. This falling out had immense consequences for weapons regulations as U.S. President Jimmy Carter withdrew from the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II). This new era of direct confrontation under U.S. President Reagan was to bring about the demise of the Soviet “Evil Empire”. However, with the appointment of Mikhail Gorbachev as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), the negotiations on nuclear weapons between Eastern and Western superpowers are primed and ready to resume. By 1985, Soviet defense spending reached $235.7 billion, at the height of the peacetime buildup, leading the centrally planned economy to experience stagnation and later hardship due to supply shortages, strangulation of domestic industry, and the introduction of new liberal reforms. As the USSR begins to deteriorate, what should the fate be for the empire with the greatest nuclear stockpile on earth?   


Given the bipolar nature of the world divided between Eastern and Western blocs, delegates must navigate and reform alliances in creating a new post-nuclear world. This will also require the consultation of delegates from the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), who have been historically overlooked in these disarmament treaties. Delegates are welcome to introduce creative solutions for monitoring, disarmament, and confidence building measures. How can delegates prevent the next arms race and ensure security for all people? 

Background Guide

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